Just kidding. That is ridiculous. I do find the beginning of the year an inspiring time, however, and I always think its so exciting how you have literally no idea where you will be in February 2018, August 2018, etc. So many unknowns juxtaposed with the intention of mapping out a set of goals or aspirations for your future is humorous to me. Fully acknowledging that anything can happen (reference), here are some things I'm looking forward to on the 2018 horizon:
taking Swedish classes. or Norwegian classes. - a local college does this and I'm not sure which one I'll sign up for yet
reading. more. - towards the end of 2017 I read a ton and learned a bunch. I can't wait to continue this
spend money on sh*t that matters - aka travelling aka not on drinks at neighborhood Chicago bars surrounded by bros drinking bud light in cubs hats
go to CONGO - or at least cement a firm POA for early 2019. Can't stop thinking about the rainforest
have less stuff - I freaked out about minimalism in Jan 2017 and donated most of my clothing. My goal is to only have 40 items in my wardrobe this year...
figure out how to make my big dream a reality
be direct
go to NORWAY - all I want to do is see Lofoten and spend a casual weekend in Bergen or Oslo is that too much to ask