My Privilege

I think it's incredibly important to acknowledge my own privilege and my own bias as I swim further ashore from the aspirational blog type of topics. 

I am a college educated, middle class female. I earned a Master's Degree. I grew up going to public school, but in the best public schools in my area. My parents strategically moved in an area that my brother and I could be 'in zone' for 'A' rated elementary, middle and high schools. Things were not perfect, but I never wanted for food, clothing, or shelter. My mom stayed at home as well, so we were always looked after. 

I LOVE to talk about how unbiased I am. How I am open to many ideas. What I should clarify is, I am extremely open minded when it comes to globalist ideas. My education, my love of history and how I learned very early own to be critical of society and to question the status quo, are ALL part of my own bias. All are also part of my privilege. 

Again, I recognize my position of privilege. My globalist bias makes me internally questioning and outwardly open.